
Did you know an Emergency Appeal for blood donations has been issued for the State of Indiana?

“With less than a day’s supply of lifesaving blood on the shelves for Indiana hospitals, patient lives are at risk. A significant decline in donations during the holiday season, inclement weather, and seasonal illnesses have dangerously impacted the blood supply. Unfortunately, the need for blood does not take a holiday, and hospitals are seeing an uptick in emergency room visits and trauma patients requiring mass blood transfusions, further decimating the blood supply.” – Versiti Blood Center of Indiana

With January being National Blood Donor Month, here are a few reasons why donating blood is so important and how YOU can help:

  1. First and foremost, blood donations save lives. Blood transfusions are necessary for patients suffering from a variety of conditions, including but not limited to anemia, cancer, and trauma. Without the generosity of blood donors, many of these patients would not have access to the treatment they need to survive.
  2. Blood donations help to ensure that a sufficient supply of blood is available at all times. Blood cannot be manufactured, so it is important that there is a constant supply through donations. This is especially important in emergency situations, when there may not be enough time to bring in blood from elsewhere.
  3. Donating blood has potential health benefits for the donor. Regular blood donations can help lower heart disease and stroke risk. It can also help to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, such as colon and breast cancer.
  4. Blood donations are in high demand. There is always a need for blood donations, as the demand for blood is constant. According to Versiti, Blood Center of Indiana, “Every two seconds, someone in America needs a blood transfusion.” Volunteers are the only way to provide blood to those in need. Each donation can potentially save the lives of up to three people, making it a highly impactful and rewarding act of kindness.

Fit Flex Fly Blood Drive

We have partnered with Versiti, Blood Center of Indiana, to host a Mobile Blood Drive right in our parking lot on Tuesday, January 24 from 8 AM – to 12 PM! Donating blood is relatively quick and easy. The process usually takes about an hour, with the actual blood draw taking only about 10-15 minutes. Please join us and impact a life.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to give us a call at (317) 218-3928. We are excited to make a difference together.

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