

If you let it, yoga will creep into every aspect of your life”. Her words echoed into my soul, as I’ve never experienced such transformation as I did when I found my way onto my mat. This practice changed and saved my life.

My yoga journey began in 2010 and I started my first teacher training in 2012.  I trained at The Yoga Studio with a background in free-flowing ashtanga vinyasa yoga.  I continued my yoga training at Practice Indie for my 300 hour with a focus on philosophy and anatomy.  

It is my mission as a teacher to lead a heart-centered practice with rhythmic vibey music to help inspire others to to bridge the connection between the internal and external world and to feel at home within their bodies.

When I’m not on my mat, I’m a full time practicing astrologer, encouraging and empowering others to go deep within themselves and tap into their inner potential and purpose in life.

I believe the more we feel at home within ourselves, the more we can help others do the same.The more we learn to love ourselves, the more potential we have to be the change that we wish to see in the world.