How did you hear about us?
A lady I work with had been going to F3 and raved about the personal training and classes.
What was your motivation for coming to F3?
I knew it was time to focus on me. I had 3 children in a short period of time and the results of that were showing on my body. I was ready to lose fat, get in shape and finish out my 30’s in the best condition of my life. I want to be the best mom and wife and knew that taking care of myself was the #1 step in achieving that goal.
Was the initial InBody info helpful?
Extremely helpful and eye opening!
Do you feel like you have a good understanding of how exercise and clean eating affects body composition, body fat percentage and BMR?
After working with various trainers, I feel like I have a strong understanding of how body composition is more important than bodyweight. I now understand how to properly fuel my body.
What services do you enjoy at F3?
I love the classes and personal training. I work out with Mark once a week and attend classes on a regular basis.
Do you have a favorite class, trainer or experience that you want to share?
I love the spin/strength class. The combination of cardio and weight training is a perfect balance.
Training with Mark has really changed the way I see myself and my athletic ability. He pushes me in ways I would never do on my own. My speed and body composition reflect this effort. I’ve improved my half marathon pace by over 35 minutes since starting at F3.
Have you developed any new friendships within the F3 community?
The F3 community is unlike any other. Every single day that I walk through the door, I feel at home, inspired and ready to work hard. Everyone I’ve met at F3 encourages each other to be the best version of themselves. It’s a great environment.
How have your relationships with friends, family, employers or employees been impacted by your lifestyle changes?
My self-confidence and energy have changed the most. I want to be active, I want to help my friends and family improve their quality of life, I want to be an example for my kids, and I work harder in every aspect of my life. My husband and I often attend classes together and that has made us even stronger as a couple. We push each other to work hard and have loved the results we’ve both seen since starting at F3.
Thanks for sharing.
Keep Moving. Keep Smiling.