MRT Lower Body 9
Movements: Squat/Single Leg/Bend/Core
Equipment Needed: Mini Band, Set of Dumbbells or Kettlebell.
-Knee Hugs: 10 reps. each leg Heart Rate (HR) 50-65%
-Single Leg Quad Stretch with a reach: 10 reps each leg. HR 50-65%
-Bicycle crunches: 50 reps. HR 60-70%
-Opposite Arm/Opposite Leg, hamstring stretch: 15 on each leg. HR 60-70%
-Squat with a double jump: 20 reps. HR 70-85%
-Mountain Climbers: 50 reps. HR 70-80%
-Lunge with an opposite arm opposite leg kick: 15 reps on each leg. HR 65-75%
-Burpees: 15 reps. HR 80-90%
-Reverse Burpees: 15 reps. HR 80-90%
-Side shuffle touch (3 to the right/3 to the left): 1:00. HR should reach 90-95%!
-Corrective Squat (with broom stick): 10 PERFECTED SQUATS.
-Explosive Squats with a bounce at the bottom of the rep: 20 reps. HR 85-95%
-Reverse Burpees: 10 reps.
-Single Leg hip opener: 15 reps. HR 60-70%
-Single Leg Vertical Raise with a pause: 10 reps each leg. HR 60-70%
-Single Leg 45 degrees raise. 10 reps each leg. HR 60-70%
-Banded Knees Squat Jumps (In and Out at the bottom: 20 reps. HR 75-85%
-Banded Ankles Side Plank top leg up and down: 25 reps each side. HR 75-85%
-Side shuffle touch (3 to the right/3 to the left): 1:00. HR should reach 90-95%!
REST 1-2 minutes.
-Do all exercises 4-5 sets for 10 reps per exercise.
-Kettlebell Goblet Split Squats: 10 reps on each leg. HR 75-85%.
-One Arm/One RDL with a Row: 10 reps on each leg/arm. HR 75-85%
Heart Rate (80-90%)
-Rep count. (20/20/15/10). Do all exercises 20 reps. Rest 1:00. Do all exercises 20 reps. Rest 1:00. Do all exercises 15 reps. Rest 1:00. Do all exercises 10 reps. Understand?
-A) Bicycle crunches (fast).
-B) Lateral Jump Squats.
-C) High Knees on each Leg.
-D) Front to Back Jump Squats.
-E) Skater Jumps each leg.
-F) Ab crunches.
-Standing Quad Stretch (R/L)
-Wide Stance Hamstring
-Right and Left Groin Stretch
-Squatted Butterfly Stretch
-Arm Across the Body (R/L)
-Open Chest Stretch with Neck Roll
-Big Bow

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