MRT Upper Body 10
Movements: Push, Pull, Arms, Core
Equipment Needed: Mini Bands, Set of Dumbbells, 1” Resistance Band, Broomstick
-Side Extended Lumbar Stretch: 10 each side.
-1” Band Shoulder Stretch: 10 reps. each way. HR 55-65%
-1” Band Windmills: 5 reps. each way. HR 50-60%.
-Light Dumbbell Full Arm Circles: 10 forward/10 backward each arm. HR 55-65%
-Seal Jacks (Arms Only, Swing Hard): 15 reps. HR 55-65%.
-Inch Worms with a Push Up: 10 reps. HR 65-75%
-Seal Jacks: 30 reps. HR 65-75%
-Side Shuffle Touch(3 shuffles then touch outside foot with opposite hand): 10 reps each way. HR 75-85%
-Bicycles: 50 reps. each side. HR 70-80%
-CORRECTIVE PUSH-UPS: 10 perfect push-ups.
-Supine Broomstick Bench Press Push In/Pull outs. (Push in On way up, pull out on way down) 10 reps.
-Push Ups: 1:00 as many as you can get. (Document) HR 75-85%
-Prone Broomstick Superman Push In/Pull outs. (Push in for 5 seconds, pull out for 5 seconds) :30. HR 65-75%
-Push Ups: 1:00 as many as you can get. (Try to beat your previous score and the document). HR 80-90%
-Banded Wrists ABCs: once on each arm. HR 60-70%
-Broomstick “Stir the Pot”: :30 one direction, :30 other direction. (Try not to rest. HR 60-70%
-Dumbbell Lateral Raises: 15 reps. HR 70-80%
-Dumbbell Biceps Curls: 15 reps. HR 70-80%
-Crunches: Add up your 2 push up sets, and does those many reps. HR 75-85%
REST 1-2 minutes.
-Do all exercises 4-5 sets for 10 reps per exercise.
-Dumbbell One Arm Row: 10 reps. HR 75-85%.
-Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Fly(palms up): 10 reps HR 75-85%
Heart Rate (80-90%)
-Rep count. (20/20/15/10). Do all exercises 20 reps. Rest 1:00. Do all exercises 20 reps. Rest 1:00. Do all exercises 15 reps. Rest 1:00. Do all exercises 10 reps. Understand?
-A) Bicycle crunches (fast).
-B) Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks.
-C) Dumbbell Jack Presses.
-D) Dumbbell Reach and Touch(split reps in 1/2 each side. i.e. 20 reps equals 10 on each side) Wide base, touch toes with dumbbell, stand up and reach across your body overhead opposite of the toes you just touched.
-E) Dumbbell Hammer Curls.
-F) Dumbbell Punches.
-Side Extended Lumbar Stretch: 10 each side.
-1” Band Shoulder Stretch: 10 reps. each way.
-1” Band Windmills: 5 reps. each way.
-1” Band attached to a wall Lat stretch: Hold for 15 seconds on each side.
-Big X with your body, hold for 10 seconds. Hug in right knee and hold for 10 seconds, back to big X, hold for 10!seconds. Hug in left knee and hold for 10 seconds, back to big X, hold for 10 seconds. Hug in both knees and hold for 10 seconds, back to big X, hold for 10 seconds.

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